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Abyss Scuba Diving
Learning To Freedive Makes You A Better Scuba Dive

Learning to Freedive Makes You a Better Scuba Dive
If you are a scuba diver, you owe it to yourself totry freediving. Whether you’ve been a scuba diver for decades or are just getting started, the basic skills you learn in freediving can be applied to scuba diving in several ways that will help you become a more confident and, ultimately, better scuba diver.
- Freediving Breath Control Improves a divers air consumption.
New scuba divers are notorious for using up their air tanks at a rapid pace, but it is not uncommon for them to only get a 30-minute dive at a depth of 10-meter and it can take some time and practice for beginner scuba divers to find their breathing control. Scuba divers can significantly extend their bottom times by learning breathing techniques from freediving
As a scuba diver, you know that extending dive times relies on mastering your breathing. Freedivers don't have the luxury of taking thier air suppy eith themand must learn techniques to get the most out of every breath. Being aware of their breathing frequency and depth, scuba divers can minimize their gas consumption, combat fatigue, and relax better, leading to longer bottom times and fewer disappointed dive buddies.
No matter how experienced a scuba diver may be, learning the techniques that freedivers use will allow them to improve their air consumption while scuba diving
- Equalization Techniques
Just like scuba divers, freedivers have to learn how to equalize the air spaces in their ear cavities, sinuses and masks due to increased water pressure at depth. In fact, because freedivers have less air to work with and descend much faster than scuba divers, they usually employ more advanced methods for equalizing than scuba divers do. Learning the techniques of a freediver uses will make equalizing as a scuba diver a much easier process. Learning the techniques of a freediver will make equalizing as a scuba diver a much easier process. - Staying Calm and Composed
One of the most important benefits of learning to freedive is the control it gives you over your body and mind while scuba diving. Much of the open water scuba course focuses on getting used to your equipment. With freediving, most of the course focuses on preparing your mind and body for the underwater world.
Like yoga, freediving places considerable physical stress on your body and requires intense concentration to overcome the urge to breathe underwater that inevitably arises during a freedive. As a result, a significant portion of the freediving certification course focuses on teaching relaxation techniques that help freedivers stay focused, relaxed and calm.
The same techniques can be used by scuba divers. Being composed and relaxed while diving helps to prepare for unexpected things that occur at depth which may cause panic, such as a low-tank situation where being composed and relaxed could save a life. Divers who are calm and composed are less likely to panic if something goes wrong. - The Silent World
Scuba divers make much noise through the very act of breathing. Conversely, freedivers are very quiet, which lets them get much closer to the marine life without scaring the fish away. By learning to freedive, scuba divers can see the underwater world in a different way.
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