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Abyss Scuba Diving
Discover The Mysteries Of The Deep: Top Fun Facts About Life Below Water

Facts About Life Below Water: The Ultimate List of Underwater Fun Facts
In our opinion, the ocean is one of the most astonishing and mysterious places on Earth. Of course, this only means there's a mountain of cool facts about it! We decided to compile a list of fun facts about the ocean that you (probably) didn't know. When you are doing your scuba diving course remember these facts and use them to impress your instructor and fellow students.
Fun facts about marine life:
94% of Life exists in the Ocean More than half of the Earth is covered by water, and, therefore, a staggering majority of life exists within the oceans. It is expected that most people are surprised to learn that 94% of living species exist in the oceans.
We now know almost a quarter of a million marine species Although the oceans are the most explored environments on the planet, we are still only aware of a small fraction of the species that exist in them. Based on the World Register of Marine Species, there are now 240,470 accepted marine species, but this is believed to only be a fraction of the species that exist, and as new creatures are being found every day, we are constantly gaining new insights into how life functions and what it means to be a creature in the ocean.
Cuttlefish have 3 hearts Cuttlefish have not one, but three hearts! Two hearts are used to pump blood to the cuttlefish’s large gills, and the third heart is used to circulate oxygenated blood to the rest of the body.
Only 5% of Ocean Has Been Explored Less than five percent of the Earth’s oceans have been explored. As researchers continue to search for more, we are learning more about the oceans with each passing day.
Oceans Critical ni Controlling Green House Gases. Scientists suggest that the Oceans currently absorb 30-50% of the CO2 produced by the burning of fossil fuel. This absorption of carbon dioxide impacts ocean acidity, which in turn affects marine life. It’s believed that between 70 and 80 per cent of the oxygen we breathe is created by marine plants, nearly all of which are marine algae.
Conserving Coastal and Marine Areas is Essential Conserving coastal and marine areas is crucial for sustainable development. Establishing marine protected areas and implementing science-based management plans help restore and sustainably manage these ecosystems.
The world’s longest chain of mountains is undersea. Earth’s longest chain of mountains, the Mid-Ocean Ridge, is almost entirely beneath the ocean, stretching across a distance of 65,000 kilometres. It’s stated that this chain of mountains is less explored than the planet surfaces of Venus or Mars.
Ending Destructive Fishing Practices To protect marine life, it is essential to end destructive fishing practices. Implementing science-based management plans can help restore fish stocks and achieve maximum sustainable yield.
Coral Produce Their Own Sunscreen. Too much sunlight can damage the algae living inside coral at shallow depths. To protect the algae, a main source of nourishment for the coral, the corals fluoresce. This produces proteins that act as a sort of sunscreen for the algae.
Effectively Regulate Harvesting Effectively regulating harvesting is necessary to restore fish stocks. Science-based management plans are crucial to achieving this goal.
Fish can be very fast Swordfish and Marlin are the fastest fish in the ocean, reaching speeds up to 120 Km/h in quick bursts; Blue-fin Tuna may reach sustained speeds up to 90 km/h.
Restoring Fish Stocks to Sustainable Levels Restoring fish stocks to sustainable levels is vital for maintaining marine biodiversity and supporting livelihoods dependent on fishing.
Sound is much faster underwaterSound travels through water at approximately 1,435 meters per second – nearly five times faster than the speed of sound through air. This makes it nearly impossible for scuba divers to determine where a sound is coming from.
Achieving Healthy and Productive Oceans Sustainable management and protection of marine and coastal ecosystems are essential to achieving healthy and productive oceans. This includes actions for restoration, minimising ocean pollution, and addressing ocean acidification.
Water travels well over 1000 years to circle the earth entirely. Water takes about a millennium to travel all the way around the entire globe. The oceans not only consist of waves, tides, and surface currents but also have a constantly-flowing system of ocean circulation driven by temperature and salinity. Known as the global ocean conveyor belt, it can take around a 1,000 years to complete this cycle.
International Sea Law for Conservation Implementing and enforcing international sea law, such as the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, is crucial for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and their resources.
Tidal Movements can be up to 16m. The highest tides in the world is 16.3 m, over two-story building. This tide can be found at Bay of Fundy, which separates New Brunswick from Nova Scotia. At some times of the year the difference between high and low tide is a16.3 m.
Supporting Local and Certified Fish Supporting local and certified fish promotes sustainable fishing practices. Buying fish that is locally sourced and certified helps small-scale producers and ensures responsible fishing.
Protecting Marine and Coastal Ecosystems Protecting marine and coastal ecosystems is essential to avoid adverse impacts such as pollution and overexploitation. These ecosystems are significant for biodiversity and livelihoods.
Success in scuba diving classes depend on smiling To save face out of the water, you must smile! This is so those around you know you’re having a good time while they’re stressed and fighting nausea.
Establishing Marine Protected Areas Establishing marine protected areas is vital to conserve at least 10 per cent of coastal and marine areas, consistent with national and international law and based on the best available scientific information.
Sustainable Use and Management of Marine Resources Sustainable use and management of marine resources, including fisheries and marine life, are crucial for sustainable development and economic benefits for small-scale fishers and developing countries.
You can be intoxicated by just going under water Yup, that’s right. Nitrogen narcosis, also known as ‘narks’ is a symptom that occurs to divers over 30 meters underwater. The increased pressure alters the state of the nitrogen and oxygen and breathing these gasses can make a person feel uncomfortably intoxicated. Talk about something to worry about on your next scuba dive.
Regulating Fishing Activities to Achieve Maximum Sustainable Yield Regulating fishing activities is necessary to achieve maximum sustainable yield. Science-based management plans help restore fish stocks to levels that can sustainably yield as determined by their biological characteristics.
National and International Law in Conserving Marine Areas National and international law play a crucial role in conserving marine areas. Ensuring conservation efforts are consistent with these laws is essential for sustainable management.
Efforts to Produce Maximum Sustainable Yield Efforts to produce maximum sustainable yield through science-based management plans are vital for the conservation and sustainable use of oceans and marine resources.
Restoring Fish Stocks to Sustainable Levels Restoring fish stocks to sustainable levels is necessary to achieve healthy and productive oceans by allowing fish stocks to recover and reach sustainable levels.
Significantly Reducing Marine Pollution Significantly reducing marine pollution from land-based activities, such as marine debris and nutrient pollution, is essential for protecting marine environments.
Sustainable Development in Conserving Oceans Sustainable development plays a crucial role in conserving oceans and marine resources. Advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) set by the United Nations helps promote sustainability and protect marine life.
You can learn more about these tidbits and more at Abyss Scuba Diving in Sydney NSW.
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