Abyss Scuba Diving

Scuba Diving Blog

Welcome to the Abyss Scuba Diving Blog. We are using this blog to keep everyone up to date with all the important related to Sydney Diving and other issues which are important to those who dive in the Abyss. Here are some of the topics our dive blog covers:

The Secrets Of Improved Air Consumption.

The Secrets Of Improved Air Consumption.

How to reduce air consumption scuba diving The older you get the smarter you get and I just hate to carry a big tank. When I learnt to dive I had very bad air consumption, on a standard tank I could get 15 minutes at […]

Divemaster Mapping Project Tips

Divemaster Mapping Project Tips

Coordinating your Divemaster Mapping Project requires some tips to make it run smoothly, and most of all make the time you put into it effective and productive. If you want to get the most out of your efforts and need some good Divemaster Mapping Project Tips to help you […]

Seal Temperature Regulation

Seal Temperature Regulation

Australian Fur Seals are called fur seals because of the amount of fur they have to protect them against the elements. Fur seals have an outer coat of long, coarse guard hairs that protect a dense underfur which traps air to waterproof and insulate the […]

How Does A Seal Dive So Well?

How Does A Seal Dive So Well?

 By far one of the best and most interesting adaptations of seals, their ability to hold their breath and dive.  To hunt food, Seals have to be master divers in order to prevent themselves from getting the bends. They have developed some pretty amazing adaptations […]

Recreational Freediving And Extreme Freediving

Recreational Freediving And Extreme Freediving

The PADI Freediver Courses teach recreational freediving. Competitions and record attempts are part of extreme freediving. Somewhere in between recreational and extreme freediving is a blurry line that separates the two. Looking for personal limits and taking a peek beyond them is probably part of human nature. […]

Snead Shallow Water Diving Helmet

Snead Shallow Water Diving Helmet

SNEAD shallow water diving helmet comes down-under to Sydney for a dive. Today I have secured a piece of forgotten diving history. A piece of equipment so barbaric it almost looks like science fiction. Weighing in at nearly 30kg, and made from a single piece […]

Why Winter Diving Is Amazing

Why Winter Diving Is Amazing

 When you talk about diving in winter your non diving friends usually cringe away in horror at the idea of cold water. They can’t understand for the life of them why anyone would want to play in the ocean when it’s winter. The truth is […]

How To Perfect Your Duck Dive

How To Perfect Your Duck Dive

How to perfect your duck dive?   A duck dive is a basic surfing maneuver that lets you quickly get your board down through the surf and out onto the wave. To perfect your duck dive, follow these steps:    1. Start by paddling hard […]

Visit Efate In Vanuatu

Visit Efate In Vanuatu

Where are the best places to visit in Efate, Vanuatu? The island of Efate has hundreds of attractions, but what ones are the best to visit? Whether you are interested in the culture, the marine life, or even the incredible scenic views, there is always […]

How To Blow Bubble Rings

How To Blow Bubble Rings

Master the Art of How to Blow Bubble Rings Underwater Curious about how to blow bubble rings underwater? This guide covers choosing the right location, staying still, mastering the mouth technique, and practising effectively. Follow these steps for perfect bubble rings. Key Takeaways Finding calm, […]

Byron Bay | Julian Rocks

Byron Bay | Julian Rocks

Located just 2.5 kilometres from Byron Bay’s Main Beach, is one of Australia’s best dive sites, the famous Julian Rocks. Situated in the Cape Byron Marine Park, the Julian Rocks is home to over 1000 recorded species of marine life. The mixing of tropical warm […]

Nine Reasons To Dive With A Paralenz

Nine Reasons To Dive With A Paralenz

Unfortunately, PARALENZ is no longer produced, and the company manufacturing them has closed. 1. Get all the colours without colour filters Recordings made underwater are tinted green or blue unless you use a colour filter. Colour filters must manually be put in front of the […]

Diving The Hms Hermes

Diving The Hms Hermes

We left for Sri Lanka on Saturday 19th April, all very excited to see what recent divers on the Hermes had been talking about. An 8-hour flight to Singapore, followed by a 3 hr flight to Colombo, and we had arrived in our destination country. We spent […]

Lavacore Both A Wetsuit And A Dive Skin

Lavacore Both A Wetsuit And A Dive Skin

Lavacore  exposure suits has the characteristics of both a wetsuit and a dive skin, and actually a bit more. Lavacore is designed to be lightweight like a traditional dive skin, but the soft, fleece lining inside provides an extra level of comfort. In essence, it works like a wetsuit […]

Scubaheat Concept From Atomic Aquatics

Scubaheat Concept From Atomic Aquatics

Every time you go diving on open-circuit scuba you fell the cold significantly more than you do on a closed-circuit system. This is because you breathe air which is well below freezing temperature. The most exciting thing I say at the 2018 DEMA show was […]

Mammalian Dive Reflex

Mammalian Dive Reflex

The human body is a remarkable and curious thing. Freedivers know this better than most people. We take advantage of the hidden potential that lies dormant within each of us. All mammals have been gifted with the Mammalian Dive Reflex, a trait left over from […]

Boat Diving In Sydney

Boat Diving In Sydney

Boat Diving In Sydney Boat diving allows access to unique and diverse habitats & environments that are impossible to experience any other way. As Sydney-based divers, we are so lucky for what we can experience from a boat; from fur seal diving, Grey Nurse Sharks, close encounters with […]

So How Does Lavacore Work?

So How Does Lavacore Work?

Experienced divers all know that as the months get cooler in Sydney, the marine life heats up. There’s something about winter diving that brings out the best of what Sydney has to offer. In the first week of winter, I’ve witnessed three giant cuttlefish participating in […]

Port Villa Markets

Port Villa Markets

The Port Vila food markets run 24 hours, 7 days a week, and all products are produced locally, ranging from; fruits, vegetables and seafood. Walking through the crowded markets is chaotic. With hundreds of stalls, all run by different families, you get caught up over […]

Don’t Risk A Coupon Dive Course Deal.

Don’t Risk A Coupon Dive Course Deal.

In recent times there has been a flood of cheap learn to dive coupon courses deal. Many people trying to enter the sport have been disappointed in the experience, finding that not only is the certification not a PADI certification but that they have major difficulties fitting […]