Abyss Scuba Diving

Scuba Diving Blog

Welcome to the Abyss Scuba Diving Blog. We are using this blog to keep everyone up to date with all the important related to Sydney Diving and other issues which are important to those who dive in the Abyss. Here are some of the topics our dive blog covers:

Journey To Becoming A Padi Scuba Instructor

Journey To Becoming A Padi Scuba Instructor

Have you ever been on holiday in some tropical paradise and noticed the dive instructors and divemasters there? They always seem to have a smile on their face and are always so happy. I am from Austria and whenever I have gone diving around the world, I […]

Future Is Working In An Australian Dive Shop

Future Is Working In An Australian Dive Shop

My name is Jen, Me on my Advanced Open Water CourseI’m 18 years old and graduated high school last year (2013). Earlier that year, my parents both really got into the sport of diving – dad used to dive a lot but mum was a newbie […]

How I Became A Padi Instructor In Australia.

How I Became A Padi Instructor In Australia.

Hey guys! My name is Kira, I am 20 years old and recently became a qualified PADI dive instructor.I took my first leap into the world of diving at age 14 while holidaying up on the Great Barrier Reef with my family. Within minutes of being […]

Becoming A Padi Course Director

Becoming A Padi Course Director

BECOMING A PADI COURSE DIRECTOR The PADI Course Director Training Course (CDTC) has been one of the most amazing experiences for me as a PADI Scuba Diving Instructor. The CDTC takes experienced Master Instructors and develops them further, through academic and in-water training presentations. It […]

Diving Jobs That Might Surprise You (part 2)

Diving Jobs That Might Surprise You (part 2)

Diving jobs that might surprise you (Part 2) In Part 1 We’ve covered off potable water divers, scientific divers, abalone divers, golf ball divers and oil and gas divers. Now, take a look at a few more weird and wonderful diving jobs that let you do what […]

Diving Jobs That Might Surprise You (part 1)

Diving Jobs That Might Surprise You (part 1)

Diving jobs that might surprise you  If you thought being an instructor was the only way you could be paid to do what you love, then think again!    Potable water diver Ever thought about how water storage tanks are inspected, cleaned and repaired? Some […]

Learning To Freedive Helps Scuba Dive Professionals

Learning To Freedive Helps Scuba Dive Professionals

In my previous blogs, I’ve talked at length about the benefits of Freediving, whether it be physically or psychological. However, today’s blog is focused on the Scuba Diving Professional; Divemaster and Instructor alike and how Freediving will make you a better teacher, a stronger and more […]

Why Become A Padi Freediving Instructor

Why Become A Padi Freediving Instructor

Freediving is one of the fastest growing segments in the diving industry.  In late 2015 PADI announced the rollout of its new PADI Freediver program. The market has been stunned by the rapid uptake of the sport. Every day more and more divers are gravitating to […]

Dive Into Writing Mastery: Perfecting The Technique Of 'dived Into'

Dive Into Writing Mastery: Perfecting The Technique Of 'dived Into'

Dive into Writing Mastery: Perfecting the Technique of 'Dived Into' When someone says they’ve ‘dived into’ a project or hobby, they’re signalling deep engagement and enthusiastic commitment. This article delves into the phrase’s literal and metaphorical significance, unveils its grammatical journey, and explores its dynamic […]

The Benefits For A Divemaster Having Technical Training

The Benefits For A Divemaster Having Technical Training

The Benefits of a Divemaster Having Technical Training So, why become a Technical Diver, and how will this benefit me as a Divemaster?? Before we can answer this question, we need first to understand what it means to be a Technical Diver… Technical Diving is […]

Padi Freediving Instructor Course

Padi Freediving Instructor Course

Turn your freediving passion into a profession! The PADI Freediver Instructor Course (FDIC) is for the avid freediver who spends a lot of time thinking about freediving and sharing details of their latest adventures. If you’re an avid freediver, you likely spend a lot of time thinking […]

Carbon Vs Fiberglass Freediving Fins: Performance & Durability Compared

Carbon Vs Fiberglass Freediving Fins: Performance & Durability Compared

  Carbon vs Fiberglass Fins: A Comparison for Freediving Fins There will come a time in a freediver’s development and training where the equipment they have is no longer allowing them to access their full potential and the decision must be made to upgrade their […]

What Is A Open Cell Wetsuit

What Is A Open Cell Wetsuit

Open Cell Wetsuit Scuba divers, are familiar with the traditional scuba diving wetsuit, heavy neoprene with reinforced stitching to keep us warm and comfortable during our dives. However, Freedivers want some additional functions from our suits, like streamlining and hydrodynamics so we may look to a different […]

Divemaster Internship With Eco-warrior Program

Divemaster Internship With Eco-warrior Program

Here at Abyss Scuba Diving, we are passionate about the environment and our oceans. We believe it’s every diver’s job to inspire and educate people about the importance of protecting and preserving our beautiful marine environment.   As a PADI Divemaster and an Abyss Eco-Warrior, […]

Explore The Cayman Islands

Explore The Cayman Islands

Cayman Islands Diving Paradise The Cayman Islands are a dream destination for scuba divers, renowned for their incredible wall dives, stunning coral reefs, and seemingly endless visibility. Grand Cayman, the most popular of the three islands, boasts the breathtaking North Wall, where you can dive […]

Change Your Life! Go Pro Today!

Change Your Life! Go Pro Today!

Who should take this course? Love scuba diving? Want to share it with others on a whole new level? Take the PADI Divemaster course and do what you love to do as a career. Scuba divers look up to divemasters because they are leaders who […]

Sharks: The Clock Is Ticking

Sharks: The Clock Is Ticking

Sharks in Peril: Combating the Global Threat of Shark Finning Sharks, vital for maintaining oceanic balance, are in peril. Human activities, chiefly shark finning and overfishing, jeopardize their survival. Our article delves into the impacts on sharks and the critical conservation actions necessary to protect […]

Mengbo Liu | 中文网页

Mengbo Liu | 中文网页

英文网页 职位:训练和商业发展经理 PADI等级:课程总监   刘猛博人生中的第一次潜水是在12年前的大堡礁,虽然不是一次非常愉快的体验潜水,但他还是对潜水产生了兴趣。直到2013年通过去塞舌尔工作的机会,他住的地方离当地的PADI潜水中心很近,这才有了他第二次尝试潜水的念头。他在塞舌尔生活了两年半的时间,在此期间,他完成了从开放水域潜水员课程到潜水长课程。从此他对海洋产生了极大的兴趣,让他下定决心变成一名专业的潜水教练。   在结束了塞舌尔的工作以后,他去了泰国的涛岛,完成教练发展课程。紧接着他申请变成名仕潜水员训练官,并在涛岛实习了一个月的时间。后来他就得到了马尔代夫工作的机会,安纳塔拉克哈瓦酒店,一家顶级五星级酒店。在马尔代夫的两年半时间里,虽然更多的是体验潜水的客人,但是他学会了如何提供优质的服务和满足客人的需求。   2018年,在结束了马尔大夫的工作以后,他又回到了涛岛,完成了参谋教练的课程。2019年3月,他又来到了巴厘岛,在巴厘岛其中一间最大的潜店工作直到疫情发生。2020年底,他回到了中国,在此期间,他考取了PADI自由潜教练,并且一直为申请课程总监做准备。与此同时,他也在三亚的一家潜店做相关的管理工作。   2022年5月,他被选中成为课程总监的候选人,并于7月前往泰国普吉岛完成课程总监课程。随后又回到马尔代夫完成了三个月的工作,现在他来到悉尼,成为Abyss第一位中文课程总监,并且是澳洲唯二的中文课程总监之一。   他喜欢和潜水员或者学员分享他的潜水经验和对海洋生物的热情,他也希望让更多的人可以认识潜水,喜欢潜水,甚至变成潜水专业人士从而改变他们的生活。现在,通过他九年的潜水经验,他喜欢为潜水员展示海底世界,分享潜水相关的知识,让大家有更安全更愉悦的潜水体验。很多潜水员或者学员都是通过他的分享或者课程才了解了水下世界的美妙和神奇。他相信这些回忆将会伴随所有潜水员一生。   潜水证书: 课程总监 2022 深潜专长教练训练官 2022 高氧专长教练训练官 2022 紧急供氧专长教练训练官 2022 数码水底摄影时专长教练训练官 2022 水底导航专长教练训练官 2022 夜潜专长教练训练官 2022 搜索与巡回专长教练训练官 2022 侧挂专长教练训练官 2022 沉船专长教练训练官 2022 鲨鱼保育专长教练 2022 打击海洋垃圾专长教练 2022 紧急第一反应教练训练官 2021 教练长 2020 IDC参谋教练 2018 […]